: 4 min read

4 ways to improve your workflow with Google Calendar in your CRM

Katrina Oko-Odoi

Sr. Content Marketing Manager

December 20, 2021

From creating to-do lists to minimizing distractions, it seems like everyone is always looking for creative ways to improve their productivity at work. But one of the best ways to ramp up your efficiency is by having a seamless calendar workflow.

When you work from an organized calendar, it’s easy to schedule meetings and tasks, avoid procrastination, keep everyone on the same page, and reach goals with less effort. This is especially true when you use a productivity-centric calendar, like Google Calendar, plus a CRM with Google Calendar integration.

When you combine two powerful tools (like Google Calendar and a CRM), the benefits of a seamless calendar workflow multiply.

Let’s jump in.

What is Google Calendar?

Google Calendar is a Google Workspace application created for time management and scheduling. It works in tandem with Gmail (Google’s email tool) to make scheduling meetings and staying on task a breeze.

Like all the Google Workspace apps, Google Calendar is designed for teams. It makes it easy to share your schedule with other people and create multiple calendars to keep everyone on the same page.

Even without a Google Calendar CRM, Google Calendar is a powerful product on its own, especially if you take a bit of time to optimize it.

Optimize your Google Calendar workflow first.

With Google Calendar, it’s easy to customize your calendar to fit your needs and goals. A few tricks can help you optimize your calendar workflow to match your schedule.

For example, you can:

  • Color-code your Google Calendar or choose a different default view.
  • Use your Google Calendar to set up events, tasks and reminders.
  • Subscribe to other people’s calendars or create shared calendars for your team.

With some simple Google Calendar hacks, you can really make your calendar work for you. One of the biggest hacks, though, is integrating your Google Calendar with your CRM.

What is a Google Calendar CRM integration?

A Google Calendar CRM integration is exactly what it sounds like it is. It basically means connecting your Google Calendar to your CRM so they can work together to optimize your calendar workflow further.

To do this, make sure you have a CRM with Google Calendar integration. The specific process of a CRM Google Calendar integration depends on your CRM. In other words, every Google Calendar CRM will have a different process to connect.

With Copper CRM, it’s easy to integrate Google Calendar:

  1. Download the Copper Chrome extension (and accept the permissions for the extension to access your Google Calendar and Gmail).
  2. Sign in to your Copper account.
  3. When you open Google Calendar, the Chrome extension will automatically pop open on the side of your window.

That’s it. That’s how easy it is to set up a Copper CRM Google Calendar integration. So, what are the benefits of integrating Google Calendar with a CRM?

4 benefits of a CRM with Google Calendar integration

A CRM Google calendar integration gives you access to many unique benefits and strategies for improving your business and calendar workflow. Instead of just relying on two separate apps, when integrated, your CRM and Google Calendar work hand-in-hand to improve your processes — without you lifting a finger.

Here are four of those top benefits.

1. An uninterrupted workflow

One of the most obvious benefits of connecting your CRM with Google Calendar is an uninterrupted workflow. Rather than switching between tabs to schedule tasks related to your contacts and deals, you can schedule meetings and get important details from your CRM all from within your Calendar.

In other words, if you scheduled a task in your Google Calendar to call a specific contact, you don’t have to leave Calendar to view details about that contact or task. Instead, you can access your CRM data right from Google Calendar.

Accessing everything in one place leads to a much more seamless workflow and a lot less tab swapping.

2. Quickly prepare for meetings

Having a CRM with Google Calendar integration, like Copper, makes preparing for meetings much easier. With direct access to your CRM data, you can easily and quickly contextualize meetings without ever having to click out of Google Calendar.

For example, with the Copper Chrome extension, you can get enriched contextual information related to meeting participants, activities, files, notes and more with one simple click.

This lets you quickly synthesize a meeting’s details, so you always feel prepared and ready to go.

3. Speed up relationship building

You can easily speed up relationship building by adding new meeting participants to your contacts straight from Google Calendar using Copper’s Google Calendar integration.

For instance, if there were several people in a meeting that aren’t yet in your CRM, you can easily add them to Copper from the Google Calendar meeting invitation. This eliminates all the manual work of adding new contacts and makes growing your contact base much more effortless.

4. Keep deals moving

After you finish a call, meeting or task, it can be hard to keep your momentum moving — especially if you have to jump over to another app and manually enter a bunch of notes from your meeting activities.

When you have a CRM with Google Calendar Integration, though, you can add new details with a couple of clicks without ever having to leave Google Calendar or Gmail. This lets you maintain your momentum and keep deals moving forward.

Choosing a Google Calendar CRM to optimize your calendar workflow

If you’re looking for a CRM with Google Calendar integration, look no further than Copper. We’re the Google-recommended CRM, and our Google Calendar integration in the Chrome extension makes integrating the two apps a breeze.

If you’re already a Copper customer, simply accept the Google Calendar permissions in the Chrome extension to begin using the integration.

If you’re new to Copper, you can try us free for 14 days — no credit card needed. See how easy it is to maximize your Google Calendar workflow with a CRM built to integrate seamlessly with all of Google Workspace.