Copper for Corporate Development

Build your best deal flow with Copper.

Manage your pipeline and nurture founder relationships right from your inbox.

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The Google Workspace recommended CRM

You live in Gmail. So does Copper - so you can continue to work directly out of your inbox.

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No more scattered data.

Copper tracks every founder, CEO, and company touch point so you never lose important tribal knowledge. All your emails, company data points, term sheets, models, and diligence notes are automatically attached to the relevant contact record. Finally, all your deal data in one central place, so the next time your CFO asks for an update—you'll have it.

Stop the forecasting guessing games

Spend time on new acquisitions, not data entry.

Copper automatically pulls in contact details and important company data from your email and the web—without you having to update it manually. Instead of spending hours maintaining a database, your team can focus on due diligence and outreach to get more exciting deals in the pipeline.

How Storm Ventures focused on acquisitions.
Stop the forecasting guessing games

Manage multiple deal pipelines.

Copper’s customizable drag-and-drop pipelines make it easy to get a visual representation of current deals and investments in real time. Instantly see where each deal is in the process and how many deals are in each stage. Always know how your team is contributing to the top business growth priorities.

Stop the forecasting guessing games

Manage relationships right from Gmail.

Copper automatically pulls in contact details and important company data from your email and the web—without you having to update it manually. Instead of spending hours maintaining a database, your team can focus on due diligence and outreach to get more exciting deals in the pipeline.

Need a custom integration?

Secure, even by Google Cloud's standards.

Because you have deals to close.

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By The Numbers

Copper + Corp Dev


hours per week saved on manual data entry


days to deploy (on average)


more accurate reporting


increase in team collaboration when closing deals

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Start managing deals with Copper today.

No credit card required. Start your 14-day free trial today.