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Your scattered contact info— finally organized.

Copper organizes all your emails, calls, files, and notes for every contact—so you have a full view of that relationship history.

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Goodbye spreadsheets.

Tired of looking for client info in multiple spreadsheets, digging through emails or wrangling teams for updates? Look no further, Copper organizes all your emails, calls, files, and notes in one place.

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No more wasted time on data entry.

Copper suggests recent contacts you’ve been emailing to be added to your list so that you don’t lose track of anyone.

It even automatically pulls in contact details like phone numbers, email addresses, and social media so you can say goodbye to entering that all by hand!

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Find key information, faster.

Tag, filter and sort your leads and customers by any criteria to better understand where your business is coming from. (It helps you target more specific customers and analyze team activity too.)

  • Save lists of contacts by type, like: current customers, partners, VIP clients, etc.
  • Send targeted communications by industry, geography, company size, and more
Success Story
Sarah photo
Copper not only made it easy to centralize all communication but also gave us more transparency and visibility into our business.
Sarah GilbertRHR International
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See the whole history of your relationship.

Get the big picture (and little details) without having to comb through multiple places. Copper tracks and displays a live activity feed of every interaction on your contacts’ profiles.

Build lasting relationships with Copper.

Lead Management

Turn more leads into customers. Copper makes it easy to build a repeatable lead qualification process to get more deals in the pipe.

Contact Management

Know what you need to for every contact—Copper lets you categorize contacts by type (like current customers, partners, and vendors.)

Alerts and Notifications

Copper sends you real-time notifications that indicate when leads or contacts need your attention.


Have super-important accounts? Star them to make sure you get notified about updates.


Use tags to group your contacts into different categories (like VIPs, or high-potential leads) so you can find them faster later on.

Custom Fields

Want to track more specific data about your contacts? Add custom fields to record special details that you can use to build better relationships.

Activity Feed

See exactly what’s going on at anytime with the real-time feed of all the activities that are going on with your contacts and accounts.

Email Open Tracking

Easily monitor when a hot lead or customer opens your email so you can send timely follow-ups.

Auto-enriched Profiles

Need more info about your contacts? Copper searches the internet for you to find and record company information, social profiles, and more.

Spend less time in your CRM and more time with your contacts.

Start your 14-day free trial today.

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